iRogerosx iCloud Bypass iOS 13.3.1/13.4 Windows 7/8/10 and Mac files
New free software for iCloud Bypass iOS 13.3.1 Windows PC iCloud Bypass iOS 13.4 Windows PC iCloud Bypass Windows 7/8/10 iCloud Bypass for windows PC iTunes fix. Also including the Mac files to remove icloud.
iTunes Patch Sync.
This is still tethered bypass and you need re-jailbreak with checkra1n if you devise restarts.
For Windows:
iCloudbYpass for windows iOS13-13.4
iRogerosx iCloud Bypass iOS 13.3.1/13.4 Windows 7/8/10 and Mac files
Update and update for Bypass iCloud Now i want to share how to Bypass iCloud for iOS 13.3 to 13.4 (12.4.5 – 12.4.6)

This method work on Mac and Windows How ?
1. Jailbreak your device using checkra1n
2. On Windows use Bootra1n or Checkn1x to jailbreak
3. Stay on Hello Screen, don’t next until bypass Done
4. This method for skip Activation Lock
5. Install Cydia from checkra1n app
6. Install Cydia Substrate
7. Its Tethered, you need to jailbreak again if your device is shut down, just jailbreak
8. Optional, install tweak safe shutdown
9. Finish
iRogerosx iCloud Bypass iOS 13.3.1/13.4 Mac files
