jailbreakrecovery tools

safely update iOS 10.x to 11.1.2 Using futurerestore

Safely update iOS 10.x to 11.1.2 Using futurerestore. first, don’t do it if you do not know what you are doing. Proceed at your own risk. You do need SHSH blobs for this unsigned restore. If your restore fails, you will be unable to set the correct nonce and may be forced to restore to the latest firmware. Upgrade with iPhone 7 from 10.1.1 to 11.1.2 using Futurerestore Windows Fork.

Please familiarize yourself with all of the steps before attempting the restore. I recommend viewing the video tutorial before you start. Do this only if you need to update and prepare for the release of full new jailbreaks for iOS 11.

Back up your phone using iTunes. In worst case scenario, you may have to restore to the latest signed version of iOS.

why update to ios11.1.2? because this is the last ios version with the new jailbreak , and apple stop sign it, not possible to restore ios11.1.2 using itunes or any other supported way unless you use this tutorial

SSH set nonce command: nvram com.apple.System.boot-nonce=your

I was jailbroken with extra_recipe. I needed to use https://github.com/Siguza/ios-kern-utils/releases tools to set my nonce. I ssh’d into my device and issued these commands. This could be done from MTerminal if you want.

Generator Check boot nonce using: nvram -p

Futurerestore commands: futurerestore –t BLOBNAME.shsh2 –latest-sep –latest-baseband IPSWNAME.ipsw

futurerestore -t [blob.shsh2] -b [11.2 baseband.bbfw] -p [11.2 buildmanifest.plist] -s [sep.im4p] -m [11.2 buildmanifest.plist] [11.1.2.ipsw]

Upgrade with iPhone 7 from 10.1.1 to 11.1.2 using Futurerestore Windows Fork


futurerestore (windows version)

Download ios11.1.2

Original source

Safely update iOS 10.x to 11.1.2 Using futurerestore


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