bypass icloudicloud

Apple bypass server

iclouddnsbypass is working on iOS 11 and iOS 12 just fine. If you want to bypass icloud using a free method to bypass activation lock from apple devices iclouddnsbypass is a solution but not for iOS11 at least for now. Since apple release the latest iOS11 and iOS 12 you cannot use icloud dns bypass anymore. The captive portal it still works if you are using iOS10.x or lower ipsw firmware.

apple is Breaking the Siege for icloud bypass and activation lock related exploits. Removing icloud or bypass icloud is every day more difficult or almost impossible.

Apple bypass server DNS IP


According to the developer, Apple made some changes in iOS 12 Captive Portal mechanism. iclouddnsbypass team will work for a possible solution. you can update to iOS 12 and still use apple bypass DNS server .

Free Apple bypass server

icloudbypass ios11 not working anymore

iCloud DNS Bypass menu Captive Portal still works on iOS10. for iOS11 it no more a working Solution for iPhone / iPad iCloud Bypass using a DNS IP.

iclouddnsbypass stop working on iOS11 and iOS 12

List of regional DNS servers: ( ios10 or lower devices )


iclouddnsbypass still works on iOS 11 and iOS 12 using captive portal.

If icloudDNSbypass IS not working?

how to fix icloud dns bypass ?

You can just use normal method adding the updated IPs to the DNS wifi info , the developer comes out with more information.

if you using iphone ipad or ipod with iOS 10 or lower here how you can bypass icloud using icloudDNSbypass captive portal .

iCloud DNS bypass


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