jailbreakrecovery toolstutorial

downgrade iPhone 4S from 9.3.3 to 6.1.3

Downgrade iPhone 4S from 9.3.3 to 6.1.3

This tutorial is just for iPhone 4S from 9.3.3 to 6.1.3. using Windows OS

DISCLAIMER: This is a tutorial from reddit from a user experience and many others, but it may not work for you. I take no responsibility if something goes wrong, use this method on your own risk.

source: https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/5lakuy/tutorial_easy_downgrade_for_iphone_4s_from_933_to/?st=IXDMJTG7&sh=a163eb5d

First you need to download these files before starting from step 1:

  1. Connect your iPhone 4S to computer via USB
  2. Unzip 4S 6.1.3 Downgrade Windows.zip to folder “downgrade” at desktop
  3. Install libimobiledevice from the file
  4. Unzip Trident-Kloader to desktop, same folder as step 2
  5. Unzip Cydia Impactor to desktop / windows version
  6. Run Cydia Impactor
  7. Drag unzipped Trident-Kloader.ipa to Cydia Impactor
  8. Sign in with your icloud account.
  9. After Impactor is done, click on new icon on your iPhone 4s.
  10. Click “Start”
  11. When “Start” goes dim, open command prompt on your pc
  12. On your computer, go to folder you’ve entered on step 2, for example C:\Users\mycomputer\Desktop\downgrade\libimobiledevice
  13. Enter “idevicediagnostics sleep” (without brackets) and hit enter
  14. Phone goes black, iTunes might appear in recovery mode, just close iTunes.
  15. Click home button and wait This is when you’ll hear a sound that your pc has recognized your iPhone 4S.
  16. Open command prompt if you closed it already
  17. Go to folder you’ve entered on step 2, for example C:\Users\mycomputer\Desktop\downgrade\libimobiledevice
  18. Enter “idevicerestore.exe -e custom.ipsw” (without brackets) and hit enter to restore.
  19. end – enjoy downgrade IOS 6.1.3.

downgrade ios 9.3.3

All the thanks goes mikkoko from reddit and to people who made Trident possible (Antique_Dev, Karen, Benjamin_42 and who else I missed) and kloader (winocm).

After you’ve downgraded and if  youwant to jailbreak ios 6.x check this links

  • iOS 6.1.3 jailbreak can be found HERE
  • Jailbreaking Tutorial HERE



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